“Old Feminists.” In Not Dead Yet: Feminist Passion and Women’s Liberation. Edited by Renate Klein & Susan Howthorne, 43-48. Mission Beach, Australia: Spinifex Press.
2020 – 2011
“Racial Justice and Decriminalization of Prostitution: No Protection for Women of Color.” Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence 5, no. 1, Article 9 (2020). DOI: 10.23860/dignity.2020.05.01.09.
“Elizabeth Warren ‘open’ to decriminalizing prostitution, victimizing exploited women again.” USA Today, October 23, 2019.
“Andrea Dworkin: Teller of Hard Truths.” With H. Patricia Hynes. Truthdig, TD ORIGINALS, July 17, 2019.
“Filling the Sex Trade Swamp: Robert Kraft and His Predecessors.” Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence 4, no. 2 (2019).
“Immunity Incorporated: All the Injustice that Jeffrey Epstein Can Buy.” Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence 4, no. 1 (2019).
“When Doing Good Becomes Doing Bad.” Truthdig, July 11, 2018.
“Gatekeeping Decriminalization of Prostitution: The Ubiquitous Influence of the New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective.” Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence 3, no. 2 (2018).
“Local pair travels to Lebanon to document misogynist conditions faced by Syrian refugees.” Greenfield Recorder, December 16, 2017.
“Pity the Nations: Women Refugees in Lebanon,” Part 2 (of 2). JaniceRaymond.com and Truthdig, December 7, 2017.
“Pity the Nations: Women Refugees in Lebanon,” Part 1 (of 2). JaniceRaymond.com and Truthdig, December 6, 2017.
“The Women who are Staring Down Duterte,” Part 2 (of 2). JaniceRaymond.com and Truthdig, May 4, 2017.
“Filipino Women Are Key in Resistance to Duterte,” Part 1 (of 2). JaniceRaymond.com and Truthdig, May 3, 2017.
“Women Seeking Refuge: a Crisis Within a Crisis.” Truthdig, September 23, 2016.
“In Massachusetts, No Sex-Buying on Company Time.” OpEdNews, May 26, 2016.
“France’s ‘Non’ to the Notion of ‘Sex Work’ Is a Blow Against the Exploitation of Women.” Truthdig, April 12, 2016.
“70 Years After V-J Day, Still No Honor for Japanese Empire’s ‘Comfort Women’.” Truthdig, August 31, 2015.
“Amnesty International’s Sex Trade Decision: Not in Our Name.” Portside, August 22, 2015.
“Canada’s New Sex Trade Law.” OpEdNews, March 22, 2015.
“Radical Feminist Activism in the 21st Century.” Labrys 27 (January 2015).
“The Secret Service Prostitution Scandal: It’s about More than National Security.” The Guardian, April 19, 2012.
“Under New Law, France Would No Longer Be Sexual Playground of Men Like Dominique Strauss-Kahn.” Truthout, February 10, 2012.
“Are Brothels and Bikinis Signs of Progress for Arab Women? The Christian Science Monitor, March 8, 2011.
2010 – 2001
“Sex for Sale: Why Sweden Punishes Buyers.” The Christian Science Monitor, September 7, 2010.
“Affidavit of Dr. Janice G. Raymond.” Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Bedford v. Attorney General of Canada, 07-CV-329807PD1, April 24, 2008.
“The Impact of the Sex Industry in the E.U.” Public Hearing. Testimony before the European Parliament, sponsored by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities. Brussels, Belgium: January 2004.
“The Case Against the Legalization of Prostitution.” Guest editor’s introduction, Violence Against Women 10, no. 10 (October 2004): 1083–1086.
“Prostitution on Demand.” Violence Against Women 10, no. 10 (October 2004): 1156–1186.
“Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution and a Legal Response to the Demand for Prostitution.” In Prostitution, Trafficking and Traumatic Stress, edited by Melissa Farley, 315–332. Binghamton: Haworth Press, 2004. An earlier version of this article is one of the most widely-read and most quoted essays that Janice Raymond has written and has been translated into many languages, including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, and Hindi.
“The Ongoing Tragedy of International Slavery and Human Trafficking: An Overview.” Congressional Testimony, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representative, 108th Congress, 1st Session, October 29, 2003.
“Prostitution, Trafficking and the Global Sex Industry: A Conversation With Janice Raymond.” With Angela Miles. Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme 22, nos. 3–4 (Spring/Summer 2003): 26–37.
“A Comparative Study of Women Trafficked in the Migration Process: Patterns, Profiles and Health Consequences of Sexual Exploitation in Five Countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela and the United States).” With Jean D’Cunha, Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, H. Patricia Hynes, Zoraida Ramirez Rodriguez, and Aida Santos. 236 pp. Funded by the Ford Foundation, 2002.
“The New UN Trafficking Protocol.” Women’s Studies International Forum 25, no. 5 (2002): 491–502.
“Put in Harm’s Way: The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking in the United States.” With H. Patricia Hynes. In Policing the National Body: Race, Gender, and Criminalization, edited by Jael Silliman and Anannya Bhattacharjee, 197–229. Boston: South End Press, 2002.
“Guide to the New UN Trafficking Protocol.” Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (April 2001). Translated into Spanish and French editions. Reprinted in Argentina in Bruja, Publicacion Feminista 20, no. 28 (August 2001): 85–97. Reprinted in Norwegian (2001) and Finnish (2002) versions.
“La prostitucion una industria, no un trabajo.” Simposio internacional sobre prostitucion y trafico de mujeres con fines de explotacion sexual, 219–30, 357–58. Madrid, Spain: Direccion General de la Mujer, Consejeria de Servicios Sociales, Comunidad de Madrid, 2001.
“The Connections Between Prostitution and Trafficking.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Prostitution is a Global Problem. Murmansk, Russia (2001): 8–14.
“Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States: Links Between International and Domestic Sex Industries.” With Donna M. Hughes and Carol Gomez. 141 pp. Funded by the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 2001.
Body Bazaar: the Market for Human Tissue in the Biotechnology Age. Book Review. The Washington Post, April 11, 2001, C9.
“Sex Trafficking and Prostitution: Human Rights and Health Consequences.” With H. Patricia Hynes. In Women’s Rights and Bioethics, edited by Lorraine Dennerstein, 122–135. Paris: UNESCO, 2000.
2000 – 1991
“Legitimating Prostitution as Sex Work: UN Labor Organization (ILO) Calls for Recognition of the Sex Industry: A Critical Report.” Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, July 12, 1999.
“UN Labour Organization (ILO) Calls for Recognition of the Sex Industry.” Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights 65, no. 1 (1999): 31–32.
“Class Matters: Yes It Does.” In Women and Social Class: International Feminist Perspectives, edited by Christine Zmroczek and Pat Mahony, 105–113. London: Taylor and Francis, 1999.
“Prostitution as Violence against Women: NGO Stonewalling in Beijing and Elsewhere.” Women’s Studies International Forum 21, no. 1 (1998): 1–9. Also published in Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, July 20, 1998.
“Trafficking and International Trade in Women.” Proceedings of a conference on “How Do We Make Human Rights Real for Women?,” 9–11. Oslo, Norway: FOKUS Forum for Women and Development, 1998.
“RU 486: a Case Study in the Ethics and Politics of New Reproductive Drugs.” In Gendered Practices: Feminist Studies of Technology & Society, edited by Boel Berner, 115–30. Linkoping, Sweden: Linkoping University, 1997.
“Organ Trade and the North-South Problem.” In Organtransplantation und Kulturelle Unterschiede, edited by Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann, 111–24. Germany: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 1997.
“Social and Economic Aspects of Reproduction: Prostitution as Violence Against Women.” Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights 4 (1997): 12–17.
“Handel med kvinnor och prostitution: Pekingkonferense och dess Konsekvenser.” Translated into Swedish by Katinka Strom, in Kvinnotryck 1 (1997): 27–30, and Kvinnori Asien (1997): 56–57.
“Prostitution: The Debate between Human Rights and Violence.” Journal of the International Institute (Winter 1996): 13, 23.
“Report to the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women.” 19 pp. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations, For the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, May 1995.
“Connecting Reproductive and Sexual Liberalism.” In Radically Speaking, edited by Diane Bell and Renate Klein, 231–46. Melbourne, Australia: Spinifex Press, 1996.
“Perspective on Human Rights: Prostitution is Rape That’s Paid For.” Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1995, B6.
“RU 486: Progress or Peril.” In Reproduction, Ethics and the Law, edited by Joan Callahan, 284–99. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
“The Politics of Transgender.” Feminism and Psychology 4, no. 4 (November 1994): 628–33.
“Trafico de mujeres y ninos: una violacion de los derechos humanos.” In Accion Internacional Contra la Expoitacion Sexual de la Mujer, proceedings of a UNESCO-sponsored conference on sexual exploitation in the Latin American region, 36–41. Caracas: Centro Feminista Latinoamericano de Estudios Interdisciplinarios, June 1994.
“Le Trafic des Femmes et les Droits Humains: Pour une Nouvelle Convention Internationale contre le commerce des êtres humains.” Actes de la Conference de Bruxelles: Commerce du Sexe et Droits Humains, March 6, 1993, published by UNESCO, International Federation of Human Rights, International Council of Women and the French Community in Belgium (1993): 15–20.
“Taking Issue with Fetal Tissue: Are Women Being Conned?“ On the Issues (Spring 1993): 34–37. Reprinted in The Valley Advocate (April 15, 1993): 6–7.
“RU 486: Miracle Drug Turns Nasty.” Los Angeles Times, April 11, 1993, M5.
“RU 486: A Dialogue.” With Renate Klein and Lynette Dumble. National Women’s Health Network News (September/October 1992): 1, 6, 7–8. Reprinted as “RU 486: No,” Ms. Magazine, March/April 1993, 35–37, and in Taking Sides: Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality, edited by Robert T. Francoeur, 35–37. Guilford, Connecticut: the Dushkin Group, Inc., 1994.
“Pornography and the Politics of Lesbianism.” In Pornography: Women, Violence and Civil Liberties, edited by Catherine Itzin, 166–78. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
“RU 486: a Medical Miracle?” Spare Rib, February 1991.
“Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research.” Congressional Testimony, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, 102nd Congress, 1st Session, April 15, 1991.
“International Traffic in Reproduction.” Ms. Magazine, May/June 1991. Reprinted in Biomedical Ethics: Opposing Viewpoints, edited by David Bender and Bruno Leone, 170–76. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1994.
1990 – 1981
“The Marketing of the New Reproductive Technologies: Medicine, the Media, and the Idea of Progress.” Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 3, no. 3 (1990): 253–61.
“The Chilling of Reproductive Choice.” On the Issues (Spring 1990): 7–9.
“Reproductive Gifts and Gift-Giving: the Altruistic Woman.” Hastings Center Report XX (November–December 1990): 7–11. Reprinted in Assisted Reproduction, edited by Courtney Campbell, 91–95. Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1991. Also reprinted in Feminist Theological Ethics: A Reader, edited by Lois Daly. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994, and in Life Choices: a Hastings Center Introduction to Bioethics, edited by Joseph H. Howell and William Frederick Sale. Baltimore: Georgetown University Press, 1995.
“Of Ice and Men: The Big Chill Over Women’s Reproductive Rights.” Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 3, no. 1 (1990): 45–50.
“Not a Sentimental Journey: Women’s Friendships.” In The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, edited by Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice G. Raymond, 222–26. New York & London: Pergamon Press, 1990.
“Sexual and Reproductive Liberalism.” In The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, edited by Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice G. Raymond,103–11. New York and London: Pergamon Press, 1990.
“Children for Organ Export?“ Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 2, no. 3 (1989): 237–45.
“Reproductive Technologies, Radical Feminism, and Socialist Liberalism.“ Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 2, no. 2 (1989): 133–42.
“Transsexualism.” Women’s Studies Encyclopedia, Vol. I: Views from the Sciences, edited by Helen Tierney, 364–67. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1989.
“Putting the Politics Back into Lesbianism.” Women’s Studies International Forum 12, no. 2 (1989): 149–56. Reprinted and translated in Beitrage zur feministischen theorie und praxis 25/26 (1989): 75–85. Translated and excerpted in Das Neueste Emma-Buch, edited by Alice Schwartzer, 266–71. Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. K.G., 1991. Excerpted in All the Rage, edited by Lynne Harne and Elaine Miller, 227–30. New York: Teachers College Press and London and the Women’s Press, 1996. Reprinted in Classics in Lesbian Studies, edited by Esther Rothblum, 273–86. New York and London: The Haworth Press, 1997, and in Journal of Lesbian Studies 1, no. 2 (1997): 273–86.
“The International Traffic in Women: Women Used in Systems of Surrogacy and Reproduction.” Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 1, no. 3 (1988): 51–57. Reprinted in Science and Technology, edited by Robert Anderson. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1991. Also reprinted in Reconstructing Babylon: Essays on Women and Technology, edited by H. Patricia Hynes, 92–101. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
“Making International Connections: Surrogacy, the Traffic in Women, and De-Mythologizing Motherhood.” In Sortir la maternité du laboratoire, Proceedings of the International Forum on the New Reproductive Technologies, 359–364. Québec, Canada: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil du statut de la femme, 1988.
“Of Eggs, Embryos and Altruism.” Reproductive and Genetic Engineering I, no. 3 (1988): 281–85. Reprinted in Reconstructing Babylon: Essays on Women and Technology, edited by H. Patricia Hynes, 61–69. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
“Review Symposium: Response to Claudia Card’s and Marilyn Friedman’s discussion of A Passion for Friends.” Hypatia: a Journal of Feminist Philosophy 3 (Summer 1988): 139–43.
“In the Matter of Baby M – Rejudged.” Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 1, no. 2 (1988): 175–81. Reprinted in Reconstructing Babylon: Essays on Women and Technology, edited by H. Patricia Hynes, 81–91. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
“The Spermatic Market: Surrogate Stock and Liquid Assets. Reproductive and Genetic Engineering.” Reproductive and Genetic Engineering: Journal of International Feminist Analysis 1, no. 1 (1988): 65–75.
“Fetalists vs. Feminists: They are not the Same.” In Made to Order: the Myth of Reproductive and Genetic Progress, edited by Patricia Spallone and Deborah Lynn Steinberg, 58–66. New York: Pergamon, 1987. Reprinted and excerpted in Issues in Feminism: a First Course in Women’s Studies, edited by Sheila Ruth. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1990. Translated and reprinted in Nytt om Kvinneforskning [News Journal on Women’s Research] 3. Oslo, Norway: The Norwegian Council for Science and the Humanities, 1992.
“Female Friendship: Contra Chodorow and Dinnerstein.” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 8 (1986): 37–48.
“Informed Consent and Transsexual Surgery.” In Informed Consent, Law Reform Commission of Victoria, Medicine, Science and Law Symposia,1986, 44–49. Melbourne: Globe Press, 1987.
“Man-Made Reproduction.” On the Issues VI (1986): 5, 7, 13, 17. Reprinted and excerpted in Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE) (January–April, 1987): 15.
“Preface, Man-Made Woman: How the New Reproductive Technologies Affect Women”, edited by Gena Corea et al., 9–13. London: Hutchinson Education Press, 1985, and Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1987.
“Female Friendship and Feminist Ethics.” In Women’s Consciousness, Women’s Conscience: A Reader in Feminist Ethics, edited by B. Andohlsen, C. Gudorf, and M. Pellauer, 161–73. New York: Winston Seabury Press, 1985.
“The Visionary Task: Two Sights-Seeing.” Women’s Studies International Forum 8 (1985): 85–90. Reprinted in Radical Voices, edited by Renate D. Klein and Deborah Lynn Steinberg, 182–91. New York & London: Pergamon Press, 1989.
“Feminist Ethics, Ecology, and Vision.” In Test-Tube Women: What Future for Motherhood?, edited by R. Arditti, R. Duelli Klein, and S. Minden, 427–37. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. Reprinted in German and Japanese editions.
“A Genealogy of Female Friendship.” Trivia: A Journal of Ideas 1 (1982): 5–26. Excerpted in Feminist Frameworks, 2nd edition, edited by Alison Jaggar and Paula Rothenberg. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984. Translated into Swedish as “Forskning om kvinnlig vanskap,” and printed as a monograph including interview with author (Stockholm: ACCA Forlag & Bokpost, 1986).
“Medicine as Patriarchal Religion.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (1982): 197–216.
“Sex Preselection Technology. Introduction and a Response.” In The Custom-Made Child, edited by H.B. Holmes, B.B. Hoskins, and M. Gross, 177–79, 209–12. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1981.
1980 – 1974
“Mary Daly: A Decade of Academic Harassment and Feminist Survival.” In Handbook for Women Scholars: Strategies for Success, edited by Mary L. Spencer, Monika Kehoe, and Karen Speece, 81–88. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1980.
“Women’s Studies: A Knowledge of One’s Own.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review XXXV (Fall/Winter 1979–80): 39–48. Reprinted in Gendered Subjects: The Dynamics of Feminist Teaching, edited by Margo Culley and Catherine Portuges, 49–63. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
“Social And Ethical Aspects of Transsexual Surgery.” Paper prepared for the National Center for Health Care Technology, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1980.
“Transsexualism: An Issue of Sex Role Stereotyping.” In Genes and Gender II, edited by Ruth Hubbard and Marian Lowe, 131–42. New York: The Gordian Press, 1979.
“Women’s History and Transcendence.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 14 (Fall 1977): 615–620. Reprinted in Religious Liberty in the Crossfire of Creeds, edited by Franklin Littell, 47–52. Philadelphia: The Ecumenical Press, 1978.
“Transsexualism: The Ultimate Homage to Sex-Role Power.” Chrysalis 1 (Fall 1977): 11–23.
“The Illusion of Androgyny.” Quest: A Feminist Quarterly II (Summer 1975): 57–66. Reprinted in Building Feminist Theory, edited by the Quest Book Committee, 59–66. New York: Longman, 1981.
“The Fall and Rise of Psychosurgery.” The Boston College Heights, November 25, 1974.
“Beyond Male Morality.” Proceedings of the Working Group on Women and Religion, published by the American Academy of Religion in Women and Religion (1972). Reprinted in Women and Religion, revised edition, edited by Judith Plaskow and Joan Arnold Romero, 115–25. Missoula, Montana: The Scholars’ Press at the University of Montana, 1974.